Environmental Activism
1996 • Relocated to the Arcosanti project. Arcosanti is an architectural project whose mission is to demonstrate the concept of Arcology. At it’s core, Arcology design minimizes resource consumption through ecologically low-impact human habitat design principles in order to preserve diminishing biodiversity on a finite planet.
1996 • Joined Earth First. Direct action campaign against harmful salvage logging: North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park.
1996 - 1999 • Joined the Headwaters Direct Action Campaign in Northern CA to stop liquidation of the last remaining ancient redwood groves in private hands from blood-sucking wall street vampire squids. I discovered a tree marked to be cut which would become a two year stand-off. Julia Butterfly tree sat for the two year duration to spare the tree.
2001 - 2006 • Volunteer: Sky Island Alliance; Earth First, Direct action campaign to stop the extermination of Mountain Lions in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson.
In 2002 the Bush Administration and the FBI declared Eco-Activists the number one domestic threat to national security. This is declared after the 1994 Oklahoma City bombing of the Federal Building.
Books written about my time in the trenches:
The Last Stand: The War Between Wall Street and Main Street over California's Ancient Redwoods
by David Harris
by Dave Foreman
Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement
by Susan Zakin
The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods
By Julia Hill
Rewilding North America: A Vision For Conservation In The 21St Century
by Dave Foreman
Directed by Mary Liz Thomson
Produced by Darryl Cherney
Ending years of logging battles, the ancient forest is saved.